
Marmoset and human trophoblast stem cells differ in signaling requirements and recapitulate divergent modes of trophoblast invasion.

Siriwardena D, Munger C, Penfold C, Kohler TN, Weberling A, Linneberg-Agerholm M, Slatery E, Ellermann AL, Bergmann S, Clark SJ, Rawlings TM, Brickman JM, Reik W, Brosens JJ, Zernicka-Goetz M, Sasaki E, Behr R, Hollfelder F, Boroviak TE.
Cell Stem Cell, 2024


Age-related and species-specific methylation changes in the protein-coding marmoset sperm epigenome.

Dittrich M, Bernhardt L, Penfold CA, Boroviak TE, Drummer C, Behr R, Müller T, Haaf T.
Aging Cell, 2024



mRNA-based generation of marmoset PGCLCs capable of differentiation into gonocyte-like cells

Kubiura-Ichimaru M, Penfold C, Kojima K, Dollet C, Yabukami H, Semi K, Takashima Y, Boroviak TE, Kawaji H, Woltjen K, Minoda A, Sasaki E, Watanabe T

Stem Cell Reports, 2023



Plakoglobin is a mechanoresponsive regulator of naive pluripotency.

Kohler TN*, De Jonghe J*, Ellermann AL*, Yanagida A, Herger M, Slatery EM, Weberling A, Munger C, Fischer K, Mulas C, Winkel A, Ross C, Bergmann S, Franze K, Chalut K, Nichols J, Boroviak TE #, Hollfelder F #.
Nature Communications, 2023  (* equal contribution, # corresponding author)



Origin and segregation of the human germline

Castillo-Venzor A, Penfold CA, Morgan MD, Tang WW, Kobayashi T, Wong FC, Bergmann S, Slatery E, Boroviak TE, Marioni JC, Surani MA.

Life Sci Alliance, 2023



Requirement for STAT3 and its target, TFCP2L1, in self-renewal of naïve pluripotent stem cells in vivo and in vitro.

Kraunsoe S, Azami T, Pei Y, Martello G, Jones K, Boroviak TE, Nichols J.

Biology Open, 2023


Extraembryonic tissues: exploring concepts, definitions and functions across the animal kingdom

Sheng G, Boroviak TE, Schmidt-Ott U, Srinivas S.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2022



Evolutionary divergence of embryo implantation in primates.

Siriwardena D, Boroviak TE.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2022



Microgel culture and spatial identity mapping elucidate the signalling requirements for primate epiblast and amnion formation.

Munger C, Kohler TN, Slatery E, Ellermann AL, Bergmann S, Penfold CA, Ampartzidis I, Chen Y, Hollfelder F, Boroviak TE.

Development, 2022



An integrated atlas of human placental development delineates essential regulators of trophoblast stem cells

Chen Y*, Siriwardena D*, Penfold C, Pavlinek A, Boroviak TE

Development, 2022 (*…equal contribution)




Building a stem cell-based primate uterus.

Bergmann S, Schindler M, Munger C, Penfold CA, Boroviak TE.

Nature Communications Biology,  2021